Saturday, December 15, 2012

An Unspeakable Horror

The tragedy that has occurred in Connecticut is an unspeakable horror --one that no parent should ever have to endure.  We live in a culture of violence that seems to be getting worse each day.

It reminds us that our daily worries should not distract from the most important things in life, our families and our health.  We must all learn to focus on what we have, not what we don't have --to take each day as a blessing and to try to always look at the glass as half-full, not half-empty.  We need to let go of our useless anxiety over what is missing in our lives and learn to enjoy and appreciate all of God's blessings.

I will be speaking at the Crayola Factory this coming Tuesday, December 18.  I do so with a heavy heart thinking of all of those children who likely had their own crayons nearby, perhaps in their hands, just as their lives were taken away by an evil madman.

All we can do is pray... and hug someone we love.

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