National Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day
Heart valve disease (HVD) involves damage to one or more of the heart’s valves, which disrupts blood flow by not opening and closing properly. While some types are not serious, others can lead to major complications—including death. HVD becomes more common with age, and one in eight people age 75 and older are estimated to have moderate to severe HVD.
Heart valve disease
awareness in the United States is shockingly low, despite the more than 5
million Americans affected by the disease. A recent survey of more than 2,000
adults found that 3 out of 4 Americans know little to nothing about HVD, and
only one in four know somewhat or a great deal about the disease. The
seriousness of the disease combined with the fact that symptoms are often
difficult to detect or dismissed as a normal part of aging, make this lack of
awareness dangerous.
National Heart Valve
Disease Awareness Day on February 22nd—during American Heart
Month—is an annual day dedicated to increasing recognition of the specific
risks and symptoms of heart valve disease, improve detection and treatment, and
ultimately save lives. With education and advocacy, we can reduce the number of
people who lose their independence and their ability to fully participate in
their lives; experience heart attacks, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure,
and other heart disease; suffer from strokes; and even die from the disease.
If you or a loved one
suffers from HVD, there is hope and help out there. Check out this site for
more information on living with valve disease.
To learn more about the campaign, how you can get involved, and the importance
of Listening to Your Heart, visit